Over the past four years, ISPIS has intensified its project incubation efforts, achieving significant growth and being increasingly sought out to provide legal and accounting intermediation services for more social initiatives. We have expanded, reaching a new level of diversity in projects, themes, areas of operation and funders - both national and international. Institutes and foundations such as: BrazilFoundation, Oak, Fundação Telefônica VIVO, Fundação Tide Setubal, ICs, Open Society Foundation, Instituto Ibirapitanga, among others, have sought out our organization to assist in launching new initiatives.
Services adapted to different types of financiers
Institutes and Foundations
We facilitate the relationship between institutes and foundations with social projects, and can also monitor the development of joint initiatives in order to ensure the best results.

We improve corporate social responsibility and sustainability guidelines, leverage social partnerships, monitor the development of initiatives and enable data collection and analysis for impact reports.

Individual Donors and Philanthropists
Conectamos doadores individuais e filantropos com iniciativas inspiradoras através de relações de confiança.

Impact Consulting
With each passing day, it becomes more urgent for different sectors of society to mobilize around social and environmental causes. Impact has become a measure of value and companies are being called upon, both by investors and society, to act and demonstrate their impact with transparency.
ISPIS offers consulting services to private institutions, with or without profit, interested in supporting social and environmental projects in order to improve their impact, Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability strategies.
Through our private social investment consultancy, we help companies develop teams, strategies, actions and impact campaigns. In addition, we offer services such as mapping networks, stakeholders and strategic causes, and we promote matchmaking between companies and projects, leveraging quality social partnerships.
Companies can also count on ISPIS to monitor initiatives and collect and analyze data to produce institutional reports.
Our approach and services offer funders:
Curation of socio-environmental projects and matchmaking
Knowledge transfer from some of the most experienced and active professionals in the social sector, to improve intra-sectoral actions, strategies and impact actions
ESG+ strategy development and enhancement
Data Collection and Analysis
Transparency and credibility in impact actions
Excellence and transparency in financial execution and accountability
Access to a wide network of transformers and social projects
Positioning and visibility through channels focused on socio-environmental impact
The possibility of joining a network of financiers with a solid track record